Board of Directors

Christie Ko
Fiver Children’s Foundation

Pam Gregory
Princeton-Blairstown Center

Gregg Licht
Elmwood Day Camp

Professional Development Chair
Mark Benerofe

Fund Development Chair
Sam Borek
Woodmont Day Camp

Program Development Chair
Dawn Ewing
Project Morry

Organizational Advancement Chair
Doug Volan
Mount Tom Day Camp

Tri-State CAMP Conference Chair
Ben Esposito
Camp Alvernia

Standards Chair
Jen Hargrave

Board Members at Large

Alison Besunder
Arden Besunder

Corey Dockswell
Camp Wicosuta

Scott Glick
TLC Family of Camps

Jeff Goodman
JCC Mid-Westchester

Kate Grenci
Tamarack Day Camp

Marc Honigfeld
Trail’s End Camp

Chris Hudson
Camp Highlight

Celeste Hylton

Cindy Loder
Gill St. Bernards

Helen O’Reilly
SCO Family of Services

Chris Rehs-Dupin

Lenora Sealey
Ramapo for Children

Genna Singer
The SHEFA School

Jeff Skier
AM Skier Insurance Agency

Lisa Stacey
YMCA of Greater New York

Mark Transport
Crestwood Country Day Camp