Participate in Camp Research
Research 360
Research 360 is ACA’s new strategic direction focused on research and evaluation that aims to improve camp experiences for youth and to advocate for the value of camp to our many audiences.
We are working closely with volunteers and National ACA staff to take a closer look at how the camp experience benefits children. We are also funding a multi-year study on if and how camp staff experiences prepare emerging adults for college, career, and life success! Please take a look at the resources below and we will continue to provide information and data that will be helpful for the camp industry.
Economic Impact Study
In 2017 many camps in nine northeastern states participated in the second Economic Impact Study commissioned by the American Camp Association. Camps completed an anonymous online survey which was collected by an independent third party. The ACA is committed to conducting a new study every five years. Thank you to all of the camps who participated in the 2012 and 2017 surveys!
The Primary Benefits of an Economic Impact Study:
Legitimizes the industry from the standpoint of our economic impact, which either goes unseen, or is seen as marginal, by legislators and public policy makers.
Shows the dollars and cents impact of our industry in terms of vital macro-economic drivers, such as: youth seasonal employment; rural full-time employment; consumers of products, such as gas, food, chlorine, etc.; and driving robust economic activity in local and/or rural and/or small communities.
Allows camps to better explain the economic impact of our industry - even an individual camp - including the economic impact to your local communities from your staff, their families, etc.
In this age when municipalities are all under pressure to tighten their belts, camps need to show them how valuable we are to economic growth, as well as local and state budgets.
The results of the Economic Impact Study are available for all members of the American Camp Association. For access to the study or for more information, please contact us at info@acanynj.org.