Member Resources
From bringing together groups with similar interests — such as Emerging Professionals In Camping (EPIC), Seasoned Individuals in Camping (SIIC), and Veterans of the Camping Experience (VOCE) — to providing members with free professional development webinars, the ACA, NY & NJ helps us build on the strength of the camp community.
Training and Certification Courses Hosted by Members
As a service to our members, we have compiled certification courses and trainings hosted by ACA, NY & NJ member camps. Please click here or the link to the right to see course offerings in the Tri-State Area.
If your program is a member of the American Camp Association, New York and New Jersey and would like to share information about trainings hosted at your camp, please reach out to Jenna for more information.
Free Member Webinars
In an effort to continually provide our members with the best resources, we have begun offering Free Member Webinars that highlight areas of professional development needs that our membership has identified as needing bolstering. These webinars are peer lead and offer tangible take-away's that are easily implemented into your camp program. To gain access to this exclusive ACA, NY & NJ benefit, please reach out to Kyle Medeiros.
Webinars hosted to date include:
Getting the Most out of your Post-Camp Survey
Creating a Culture of Giving and Service at Camp
Behavior Management Techniques for Campers with Special Needs
Check out some of our past webinars here!
State Legislative Groups
We encourage all of our camps to engage with their local legislative body to support our industry’s forward movement when it comes to government issues. You can view past legislative updates here. These are some groups to connect with:
New York State Camp Directors Association (NYSCDA)
Pennsylvania Camp Association (PACA)
Connecticut Camping Association
New Hampshire Camp Directors Association (NH Camps)
Special Interest/Affinity Groups
We have created special interest/affinity groups for like-minded individuals to get together to network and discuss topics that are important to them. We offer these meetings annually at our Tri-State CAMP Conference. We are currently working to offer these throughout the year as well. If you’d like to participate, please complete this form to let us know! Here are some examples of affinity groups that are already in the works:
BIPOC in Camping
4-H Camps
Girl Scout Camps
Day Camp Administrators
Camps on Campus
YMCA Camps
2SLGBTQIA+ Camp Pros
NJ Day Camps
NY Day Camps
Nonprofit Camps
Parks and Rec Camps
Faith-Based Organizations
Special Needs Camp Programs
Disability Camping Community
Other Helpful Resources
6 Ways to Show Up for Your Grieving Campers provided by Experience Camps