10 Tips for Remaining Healthy at Tri-State

Here are 10 helpful tips on how we are working to keep everyone well at Tri-State and what you can do yourself to remain healthy:

  1. No hugs & handshakes. We are a warm camp community but this year, let’s use fist & elbow bumps.

  2. All doorknobs will be disinfected nightly around the convention center.

  3. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. There are bathrooms located on every floor of the convention center.

  4. Use hand sanitizer often. Extra hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the conference center

  5. Use only your knuckle to touch light switches in your hotel room

  6. Open doors with your closed fist, hip, or using a paper towel

  7. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects like your phone

  8. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

  9. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

  10. Stay home if you are sick.


Wall Street Journal/Summer Camp & COVID-19


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