Reminders for ACA Accreditation Visitors

Winter has come to the land of Westeros, but we are preparing for an exciting summer! Experience tells us that the more preparation we put in to the camps we are visiting now, makes for a much smoother accreditation visit day in the summer. Below are just a few reminders to ensure a positive outcome.

The Written Documentation Review (WDR)

By now, lead visitors should have completed the Expanded Written Documentation Review with each camp that they have been assigned. The deadline for its completion was May 1st. While ACA, NY & NJ does not require that anything be submitted, early completion allows for more time to be spent observing programming and facilities, rather than paperwork, on the day of the visit. It is also a great opportunity to discuss potential dates for the visit. If you are having trouble, for whatever reason, completing the WDR, please contact Kyle to let us know. You can print the WDR here.

On-Site Visit Dates

As you work with your camps to set a date for the on-site visit, we ask that you also send the confirmed date to Kyle Medeiros in the ACA, NY & NJ office. In an effort to improve the quality of the ACA Standards Program, we will be sending out feedback surveys to all visitors and camps shortly after their visit is completed; having the visit dates will allow for prompt follow-up.

We are very thankful for all the work and effort you each put in to the camps you are visiting. Your dedication helps all of our programs continue to reach a level of excellence that only ACA Accredited camps can. Thank you!

Posted on Wed, May 1, 2019 by Kyle Medeiros


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