5 Things You Must Do Before the Northeast CAMP Conference

Written by Brent Osborne and Sarah Castro, Northeast CAMP Conference Committee Volunteers

The countdown to the Northeast CAMP Conference is on! The ACA team and our program committee have put together a great virtual conference for you. Here are five tips that will get you ready for a great week!

#1 Block Off Your Calendar

We get it - work never stops! You chose to attend the Northeast CAMP Conference because you saw value in the speakers, educational sessions, and networking opportunities. Don't throw away the time you have to learn, grow, and connect! Treat this virtual conference as you would an in-person conference.

Prioritize time to truly be present in the experience, engage in the sessions, and attend our various networking and social events. Don't forget to set your out of office message on your email!


#2 Prepare Your Space

Whether you're attending the virtual conference from your office, your living room, or an RV, it's wise to carve out a space where you won't be distracted or interrupted (we know - this is easier said than done). Don't forget to stock your space and your fridge with your favorite beverages, snacks, and quick lunch options!


#3 Curate Your Personalized Schedule

Don't miss the start of a session because you were stuck reading the descriptions! With so many sessions to choose from, narrow down your options and take note of the other events you want to attend.

Curate your schedule in advance and be ready to head into the right session when the time comes!


#4 Get To Know The Venue (our virtual platform)

Remember the first thing you did when you used to go to an in-person conference? Chances are, you were handed a map with a venue layout and you walked the space to figure out the lay of the land.

Although we're not walking the halls of a convention center this year, it is equally important to familiarize yourself with our virtual platform.

This year, we will be using PheedLoop as our platform along with Zoom (make sure you update to the latest version) and Wonder (don’t worry, it is easy and fun) for content delivery. You should have received an invitation to the PheedLoop platform on Thursday, February 25 so you can start getting familiar with it!


#5 Setup Appointments and Network

Virtual conferences are not just for learning - they're for connecting! Even at a distance, we're finding ways to be together. In addition to our social events throughout the week, be sure to set up 1:1 appointments with your colleagues, vendors, and other industry friends who you would normally connect with in-person. PheedLoop even has private messaging and video chat options!

Be prepared to bring a little extra "can do" attitude with you during the week. Be ready to ask questions, engage with other attendees in the chat, and draw your own connections between the content and your own camp circumstances.

If you're still feeling unsure how to navigate our virtual conference, join us for some more tips and tricks on how to make the most out of your week at one of our upcoming Orientation Sessions. In this brief orientation, you will be introduced to other conference attendees, learn about some of the can’t miss sessions and social events, and get an overview on how to access and navigate our conference platform.


Northeast CAMP Conference Orientations (choose one to attend)

●       Friday, March 5th: 1:00 – 1:45 pm ET

●       Tuesday, March 9th: 9:00 - 9:45 am ET


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