ACA,NY & NJ Member Benefits

We at ACA, NY & NJ hope you value your membership as much as we value serving you, our member camps.  Here is a list of some of the benefits you receive as a member of ACA, NY and NJ. 

Professional development Conferences, Webinars, Roundtables – Each year, ACA, NY and NJ offers around 20 professional development opportunities, including the Tri-State CAMP Conference, the largest summer camp conference in the world.  About half of these events are free to ACA, NY and NJ members.

Legislative Advocacy  – ACA, NY and NJ contributes upwards of $100,000 annually to advocacy groups in the Northeast where our camps are located. These funds help support legislative efforts and government relations to benefit our member camps.

Research – ACA, NY and NY financially supports research related to camp, including the ACA, Inc. National Camp Impact Study.  ACA, NY and NJ funded the entire National Staff impact study.   

Professional Development Scholarships – We are proud to provide professional development scholarships throughout the year to our ACA, NY and NJ not-for-profit member camps. 

Camp Fairs – Throughout the winter and spring, we support 12 camp fairs throughout New York and New Jersey to assist our member camps in finding new camp families.

Free camp referrals – As an ACA, NY and NJ member, you receive free referrals from our dedicated camper placement specialist who speaks with hundreds of families each year.

Public Relations – ACA, NY and NJ employees its own PR professional, dedicated to promoting the value of the camp experience, resulting in over 80 earned media placements a year.  Our PR professional is available to you to discuss crisis communications and any PR consulting you need.

Scott Ralls Fund – For the past two years, our organization has provided $150,000 annually in grants to our not-for-profit camps to be used for capital improvements. 

Impeccable Customer Service – When you contact ACA, NY and NJ, our staff will do everything they can to happily assist you in a timely manner.  Our members come first and we always want to make sure we are doing everything possible to get you what you need.

ACA , NY & NJ Team Expertise – Our team has a combined 95 years of experience working with summer camps.  We are in continual contact with our member camps to ensure we understand their needs and can best serve them. 

Support SCOPE – ACA, NY and NJ contributes annually to SCOPE, to support their efforts in providing enriching overnight camp experiences to children who may otherwise not be able to afford it.

Continuing Education Credits – ACA, NY and NJ provides continuing education credits for attending our professional development events.  You may receive 17 CECs for the Tri-State CAMP Conference and 1 CEC per hour for any other professional development opportunity we provide.



Looking Back at Tri-State Through a DEIB Lens


A More Diverse, Equitable, Inclusive #TSCamp2023