Once a Fiver, Always a Fiver by Laila Siddiqui

Truth be told, going to summer camp was never on my “bucket list”, but I don’t know who I’d be today if it weren’t for Fiver.

The minute I stepped off the bus, I heard people screaming my name and was smothered with hugs. I was so confused! Who are these people? And why are they so excited that I’m here?

That’s the thing about Fiver….

It doesn’t matter that they don’t know who you are, where you’ve been or what you’ve done. They are your family with open arms, always willing to give love and support.

Fiver is not a regular summer camp. For the past seven years, they have taught me how to be a friend, an individual, a valuable team player, an environmentalist and risk taker. They’ve taken me to visit colleges to get a head start on my future; on a seven mile canoe trip; the low ropes; rock climbing; and so much more. At camp, I’ve learned how to ride a horse, garden, weave, dance—you name it! Honestly, they’ve provided me with so many opportunities that some people never get. It’s also because of them that I don’t lack social skills, that I can speak my mind (appropriately, of course), that I can make the right decisions and that I can give a firm handshake and look someone in the eye when I’m introducing myself (shout out to Larry!). All around, I’ve learned to just be myself and stick to what’s right.

But it’s not like they’re only there just one month of my summer. Fiver is always there. As we say, “Once a Fiver, Always a Fiver”.

During the year, they always keep in touch, they always want to see you, and of course, they always want to see what they can do to help with whatever you’re going through or with whatever you need. Fiver has helped me with so many things throughout the years. For example, they helped me with my high school application and because of them, I’m going to Cardozo High School. They gave me the opportunity to learn about the financial world and helped me with my first internship, which is where I’m writing this from.

Fiver has done countless things for me and I couldn’t be more grateful. They’re not just friends and they are certainly not just people I see every summer. They are a family who I will always express my love and gratitude to.

Posted on Wed, April 12, 2017 by Jess Michaels


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