EPIC T-Shirt Challenge

Hey EPIC Community!

We have been invited to kick off the Pass the T-Shirt Challenge for Camp T-Shirt Day!

The Challenge

Which camp can pass the T-shirt to the most campers, staff, and alumni in their camp community! The camp with the most participants will win!

What we need from you!

To kick it off, we ask the young professionals of the camp community to show the camps how it’s done!

Want to join the fun?!

Step 1: Take a video of someone throwing you your camp’s t-shirt coming in from the left

Step 2: catch it

Step 3: cover the camera with your camp’s shirt

Step 4: Pause the video

Step 5: put your camp’s t-shirt on, and hold the t-shirt you took off

Step 6: Hold your old t-shirt over the camera lens and start video again, pull the shirt away from the camera to reveal you and your camp’s t-shirt

Step 7: Show off your camp’s shirt that you are now wearing (do a little dance, show off your logo, do something silly!)

Step 8: Pass the old t-shirt to someone else by throwing the shirt off camera to the right

Pro Tip: We highly suggest you can use Reels or TikTok to record. This will help with the stop between covering the camera and putting on the T-shirt.

Upload your video entry to https://www.dropbox.com/request/snv6bkKALdhKEosMTaJF. Please save the video as your name and camp you work for. If you have any issues please contact hayley@campstarlight.com.

DEADLINE FOR KICK OFF VIDEO: Thursday, November 5th!

Competition Information

Camps will have from the kickoff day until November 30th to post one continuous video of all their participants using the hashtag #camptshirtday.

DEADLINE FOR CAMP CHALLENGE VIDEO: November 30th! Enter with #camptshirtday

Questions? Reach out to Hayley@campstarlight.com


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