4 Tips on Camp Tipping

With summer camp coming to an end, many parents have questions about tipping their child’s camp counselors for a job well done. The American Camp Association, NY and NJ suggests the following tips to help you with camp tipping:

  • Check with the camp – Each camp sets its own camp tipping policy so just because your friend is tipping their child’s camp counselor, don’t assume you should. Check with the camp director or the parent handbook to find out about the camp’s tipping policy. Many camps have a no tipping policy in place.

  •  Inquire about tip range – If tipping is allowed, ask the camp for a suggested range and who should be included in tipping. Are tips just for the camp counselors or should you be tipping the bus driver and group leaders as well? Keep in mind that if a camp allows tips, it usually means that the staff depends on that money to supplement their salary.

  • Consider length of your child’s camp experience – The longer your child was at camp, you should tend toward the higher end of the tip range. If your child only attended for a short amount of time, tip toward the lower range.

  • No tips allowed? Write a personal note – Even if tips aren’t allowed, camp counselors certainly appreciate hand written notes about your child’s experience. If your child is old enough to write the letter, let him or her do the writing. Not old enough? Your child can draw a picture. In the note, thank the counselor for making the summer so special for your child.

Posted on Mon, August 7, 2017 by Jess Michaels


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