ACA, NY & NJ Staff Hit the Road for Camp Visits

One of the best parts of our job at ACA, NY and NJ is shutting down our computers and hitting the road to see your camps in action. Our camp visits brought us to Long Island, Westchester, Hudson Valley, Berkshires, Wayne County, New Jersey and New Hampshire. We saw day camps and overnights, NFP camps and private ones. The camps we toured were such a range of camps but there was one common denominator: children’s lives were being changed. From the camps serving underserved communities to the special needs camp where children with no friends at home were bonding with kids for the first time to that shy girl coming out of her shell to join in on the soccer field. Our staff felt the magic at every camp we went to. We know how hard you all work year round to make these few weeks of summer the best of a child’s life and your work is evident. These camp visits amaze us, revitalize us, educate us and remind us of why we work at ACA. So thank you to the camps that opened their doors to us this summer, past summers and to the camps that will welcome us in future summers. Seeing your camp allows us to better serve you with membership needs, professional development, public relations and helping parents choose your camp.

Posted on Mon, August 5, 2019 by Jess Michaels


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