Important News from ACA, NY & NJ

Dear Fellow ACA, NY & NJ Members:

I am writing to share with you the news that our executive director, Susie Lupert, has resigned from her position effective October 29, 2021. We have been very fortunate to have Susie leading our organization for the past ten years with passion, integrity, and excellence. She will certainly be missed on both a personal and professional level. The next step in Susie’s journey is to be part of an executive team at Venture Out, an organization whose mission is to provide and encourage outdoor experiences for members of the LGBTQ+ community. She will be helping Venture Out develop and utilize a recently acquired 40-acre facility near Susie’s home in Western Mass. Please join me in thanking Susie for her incredible stewardship of our organization and wishing her the best on her next adventure.

Fortunately, Susie will be leaving us in a very strong position with an excellent team in place and a house in order. We can be assured that while we are seeking Susie’s successor, ACA, NY & NJ will continue its work and continue to serve you in the top-notch manner to which you have become accustomed.

I am pleased to have a search committee made up of Tony Stein, Christie Ko, Sam Borek, Josh Philips, and myself to lead the effort to find our next executive director. Our work has already begun, and we, along with the Board of Directors, are committed to ensuring that ACA, NY & NJ continues to enjoy great leadership for years to come.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this important transition.

With fond regards,

Mark Benerofe

Board President, ACA NY & NJ


Reflecting on My Years at ACA, NY & NJ


To My Family While I am Away at Camp!