To My Family While I am Away at Camp!

Thanks to the KenMont/KenWood team for this post. A must-read for any overnight camp parent.

To My Family While I Am Away At Camp!
Your Favorite Camper!

I want to explain some things about my summer home at KenMont and KenWood Camp - 06757!

1) Sorry I am not writing a lot in my letters, but when I get home and for several months after that, you are going to hear countless stories all about the amazing times I had at KenMont and KenWood. They are going to come out at such random times - at dinner or in the car or when we are just hanging out at home. That’s when you will know camp was even better than I told you in my letters.

2) I know I wasn’t in as many pictures as you would have liked; the cameras weren’t around in the bunk or when my friends, counselors and I were walking to activities - where we were laughing, just goofing around and telling jokes to one another. Just so you know, I was with a friend 24/7 at camp; it was so cool and exactly what I needed this summer – and guess what, I didn’t even miss electronics!

3) You know how they said they would Partner in Parenting with you? Well, when I was missing home a little bit or when I needed someone to talk to, there was always someone who cared for me just like you do and it made me feel better. When I come home and I keep mentioning that one staff member’s name, you will realize that’s because they made me feel happy, safe, protected and put a smile on my face so I didn’t miss you!

4) You know how you keep hearing me mention that one activity you never heard me talk about before - well I guess it’s because the counselors made me feel good about what I was accomplishing, how good I was doing and they just made me feel happy being there. I may never do it again or it may become a lifelong passion - only time will tell.

5) Even though I was only away for a few weeks, you may notice that when I get home I am a little more independent, confident, responsible, and perhaps I even make my bed at home everyday like I did at camp!

6) I doubt I said “Thank You” to you for this awesome experience, but every time I mention another camper, counselor, camp activity or anything about camp - that is my way of saying THANKS FOR THIS EXPERIENCE, IT WILL STAY WITH ME FOREVER!

Here is what we all need to do as parents - we need to trust and know that even though the stories might not come when you want them to and the letters might not say enough... that your child is learning, growing, and having the experience of a lifetime while they are part of our KenMont and KenWood Family this summer.


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