November Was a Great Month for Camp Job Outreach

What a month November has been for camp job outreach! This month, ACA, NY & NJ were at five different events promoting the value of working at camp.

ACA, NY & NJ had the pleasure of attending the NYSOEA, where we were able to connect with many outdoor educators and discuss the amazing opportunities there are to work at camp. We had a table at the NJEA Conference, where we had meaningful conversations with teachers about the need for qualified teachers to work at camp and to share the camp counselor job opportunity with their high school students.

At the NYSRPS Downstate Annual Conference, we met with many physical education students who were delighted to learn the benefits of getting into the camp world. We ended our month at the NYS APHERD Conference, where we held a session on discussing how working at camp is one of the best jobs you can hold for gaining skills such as leadership, problem solving and team work, all skills that are applicable to any career path one might choose. Additionally, we had a presence at the Bronx Science High School PTA Meeting where we spoke to parents about the value of working at camp for gaining soft skills needed in the workplace and making connections that will assist in future career opportunities.

Overall, we garnered interest in working at camp and acquired over 100 contacts for prospective job applicants! We are looking forward to many more outreach opportunities in the New Year!


Changes to the ACA, NY and NJ Public Guidance Service


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